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A priceless masterpiece

the Scythians.


Die Tierstil-Ornamente hatten das Volk der Skythen zum Vorbild


life’s work

The Scythians is an example of sophisticated, exclusive craftsmanship and dedication. The Scythians is a life’s work.

Master Franz N. & Franz S. have created an intersection between the millennia through the love of detail from a long gun.

The fine engravings and countless details focus the viewer’s gaze. The constant battle between good and evil is evident in the animal style engravings. The lifetime, the ideas & sketches, the countless discussions about the final design of the details are reflected in the Scythians.

This masterpiece is the connection between the Scythian people and today. The Scythian represents the connection between the millennia and testifies to an endless dedication to perfection. This makes the time spent relative to the result, because time never played a role in the processing of the Scythian.

Franz Nott

Es wurden bereits mehr als 60 000 Arbeitsstunden in das einzigartige Kunstwerk investiert …​


Meet Our Executive Chef


With passion comes perfection, Nott says: “The routine allows you to say you put a hole in the ivory and hardly anything happens. But if you got bogged down, you would have a big problem, because I can’t make up for that. With gold you could solder something to it. That’s no longer possible with ivory.”

Unterschrift Franz Schmölzer

Franz Schmoelzer

5 Kilogramm Gold und 2 Diamanten machen die Skythen zu einem exklusiven Kunstwerk …


Meet Our Executive Chef


This craft is unique – definitely not copyable. If you look at the appearance of the workmanship, it can only be compared with the art of Peter Carl Fabergè. We are talking about handicrafts of the highest quality.

Thomas Schurian

Sep 2021

The first official pictures

In September 2021, what is probably the most expensive rifle in the world was assembled and photographed in one place for the first time.

Click here for the picture gallery

The exclusive pictures of Scythians were taken in September 2021.
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October 2021

The most expensive rifle in the world

Watch the ORF report, take a look behind the scenes and join us on our journey

Click here for the ORF contribution

Exclusive insights, interesting background information and much more await you
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November 2021

The site goes online

In November 2021 our website went online. The Scythian got and gets more and more attention.

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The national and international inquiries regarding the Scythian are piling up – the website is being expanded.

December 2021

The Scythians

Who were they and where did they come from? Already at the time of Peter the Great, horsemen were explored. A large collection of golden art objects also dates from this period.

Click here for the ORF contribution

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the mythical origin of the Scythians lies far to the east, in the Altai mountains in southern Siberia…
In the newsletter we dedicate an entire article and a separate landing page to the Scythians
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January 2022

that harden

When case hardening, everything can go wrong again. It starts in December.

You want to know what can go wrong?

During case hardening, the surface layer of the workpiece is enriched with carbon in a medium suitable for carburizing.
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Stay up to date

We have exclusive insight. Original artwork. Unreleased scenes and much more. Get a glimpse of the idea phase of the project: The Scythians. Take a look behind the scenes at the ORF shoot. Get a feel for the story behind this life’s work. Subscribe to our newsletter. You have to confirm your email and you will automatically receive exclusive pictures and videos in your inbox.

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